

 Guidelines for Poster Presentation

For efficient discussions around posters, posters sessions are scheduled every day and all posters will stay displayed all meeting long. Thhis will create an opportunity for networking. During the session, presenters are expected to stand by their poster/exhibition in order to discuss their research/design project with the viewers. 

Poster authors are responsible for printing and bringing the poster to the conference

Authors are encouraged to:
 a) Include a photo of themselves on the poster so that they can be easily identified by the poster viewers.
 b) Print several copies of their posters in A4 format and hang these up in an envelope on their designated poster board. This will make communication and future collaborations easier and more visible.

Poster format

Posters must be in the A0 format (1189mm x 841mm) or E format (44" x 34") with a 300dpi resolution. Poster presentations must be displayed in English, on a backboard approximately 200 cm high by 100 cm wide, and correspond to the abstract number and day of presentation as detailed in the final program.

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